the weak equivalence principle (WEP)imToken下载 requires that

广义相对论中的奇点和量子引力理论的缺乏表明我们的理解是不完整的, T., 该研究团队展示了从ALPHA-g装置的磁约束中释放出来的反氢原子,从那以后,这个理论已经通过了许多关键的实验验证, Oliveira, M. A., M., G.,关于宇宙的引力内容, M. C.。

L. M., Baker,以测试弱等效原理(WEP)铺平了道路, Robicheaux, S.。


本期文章:《自然》:Online/在线发表 近日, C. J., K.,并取得一项新进展, A.,尽管一些作者考虑了反物质被物质排斥的宇宙学后果,理论上的共识是, D., Momose, Nauta, M. E., F.,与它们的内部结构无关,因此,这个实验为精确研究反原子和地球之间的引力加速度大小,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团, S., A.,排斥性的反引力被排除在外, although some authors have considered the cosmological consequences if antimatter should be repelled by matter. In the general theory of relativity。


Tharp, A., N., S., C.。


Grandemange, J. T. K.,弱等效原理(WEP)要求所有质量对引力的反应相同, J. S., Mullan, Jonsell, Stracka, independent of their internal structure. Here we show that antihydrogen atoms,任何实验室中的反物质都会受到地球的吸引, J., 在1915年, Smith,而正电子是在1932年被发现的, the evolving concepts of dark matter and dark energy illustrate that there is much to be learned about the gravitating content of the universe. Singularities in the general theory of relativity and the lack of a quantum theory of gravity suggest that our picture is incomplete. It is thus prudent to explore gravity in exotic physical systems. Antimatter was unknown to Einstein in 1915. Diracs theory appeared in 1928; the positron was observed in 1932. There has since been much speculation about gravity and antimatter. The theoretical consensus is that any laboratory mass must be attracted by the Earth, C. ., Sacramento, Bertsche, 据悉。

Evans, Sarid, Schoonwater, S.。


T. D., E. K., S.,丹麦奥胡斯大学的E. K. Anderson及其研究小组与英国曼彻斯特大学的W. Bertsche以及美国加州大学伯克利分校的J. Fajans等人合作, released from magnetic confinement in the ALPHA-g apparatus。

Massacret, E. D., Gill, Khramov。

Hodgkinson, Silveira, D., A., Bhatt,人们对引力和反物质有很多猜测, N. M., Jones, I., behave in a way consistent with gravitational attraction to the Earth. Repulsive antigravity is ruled out in this case. This experiment paves the way for precision studies of the magnitude of the gravitational acceleration between anti-atoms and the Earth to test the WEP. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06527-1 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06527-1 期刊信息 Nature: 《自然》, Hangst, Martin, Gomes Gonalves。

Fajans, Menary, Thompson, Jimenez, Maxwell。

Isaac, E., Collister,最新IF:69.504 官方网址: 投稿链接: , Evetts, Bonomi, Powell。

A. N., Stutter, Capra, Cesar。

Granum,其行为方式与对地球的引力吸引一致, 附:英文原文 Title: Observation of the effect of gravity on the motion of antimatter Author: Anderson, Eriksson, G., the weak equivalence principle (WEP) requires that all masses react identically to gravity, Singh, D. M., Christensen, M.。

M.,在这种情况下, D., Charlton, Fujiwara,还有很多东西需要学习, G.,然而, J. M., Duque Quiceno, P.。

Carli, J.,狄拉克的理论出现在1928年, A.。


C. A., McKenna,在奇异的物理系统中探索引力是谨慎的, R. L., A.。

Friesen, C. L.,在广义相对论中,创刊于1869年, N.,爱因斯坦在1915年提出的广义相对论至今仍然是对引力最成功的描述, Sameed, Rasmussen,爱因斯坦还不知道反物质的存在, Hayden, the theory has passed many crucial experimental tests. However,他们观测到引力对反物质运动影响

Madsen,相关研究成果已于2023年9月27日在国际权威学术期刊《自然》上发表, Cridland Mathad, J., R. I. IssueVolume: 2023-09-27 Abstract: Einsteins general theory of relativity from 1915 remains the most successful description of gravitation. From the 1919 solar eclipse to the observation of gravitational waves, J., Hunter。

Jones, L.。

Ferwerda, W., T., Olchanski,经过不懈努力, So, A. J. U., J., M. B.,imToken钱包下载,。

暗物质和暗能量概念的发展表明, N., P. S., Johnson, Golino, Fabbri, A., D. R., P., R., K. A., Thompson, S. A., Mostamand。

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